Windows Live Writer Wish List
The past few blog posts were created using the new technical preview of Windows Live Writer. I think the improvements from the last beta, from a developer’s standpoint, is absolutely outstanding. Good job WLW team! Live Writer has been improving every release, but I wish there was more for end-users this time around.
Here’s a list of the things I would like to see in future versions:
- a way to sort the published posts other than in chronological order
- a search box for the published post titles and/or contents
- a way to filter by date(s)*
- a way to filter posted drafts*
- a way to filter by category
- delete unnecessary “<p></p>” tags in the source before publishing
- a better toolbar with all the formatting options
- grammar checking
- display ping server results or at least notify the user of any errors
- ability to define default options for inserting hyperlinks
- upload files without any plug-ins.
*I realize some of these feature requests are limited by the blog’s API. For these to work, WLW may also need to send additional parameters. Since I’m using the MetaWeblog API, I can add these features to my blog.
Tags: Beta, Blogging, Live Writer, MetaWeblog, Software, WLW

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